What is all the fuss about?
The origins of Valentine's Day are not clear but many sources believe that it stems from the story of St Valentine, a Roman priest who was martyred on or around February 14 in the year 270BC. How he became the patron saint of lovers remains a mystery but there are several theories.
The ancient ceremony included putting girls’ names in a box and letting the boys draw them out. Couples would then be paired off until the following year.
Eventually the custom of sending anonymous cards or messages to those whom one admired became the accepted way of celebrating Valentine’s Day. When I was young there was always great excitement for anyone who actually received a Valentine's Card because they then spent time wondering who the sender was!! Over the time the cards became more decorative and extravagant and then presents started to be part of the Valentine's Day 'deal'.
I read now that the day is used to show love and appreciation for those we love and respect. The meaning of the day has grown over the years and I suspect this has also seen the growth of money exchanges in many businesses!! For me, I think I will pick a flower from the garden and make sure we have a nice meal tonight!!
The origins of Valentine's Day are not clear but many sources believe that it stems from the story of St Valentine, a Roman priest who was martyred on or around February 14 in the year 270BC. How he became the patron saint of lovers remains a mystery but there are several theories.
The ancient ceremony included putting girls’ names in a box and letting the boys draw them out. Couples would then be paired off until the following year.
Eventually the custom of sending anonymous cards or messages to those whom one admired became the accepted way of celebrating Valentine’s Day. When I was young there was always great excitement for anyone who actually received a Valentine's Card because they then spent time wondering who the sender was!! Over the time the cards became more decorative and extravagant and then presents started to be part of the Valentine's Day 'deal'.
I read now that the day is used to show love and appreciation for those we love and respect. The meaning of the day has grown over the years and I suspect this has also seen the growth of money exchanges in many businesses!! For me, I think I will pick a flower from the garden and make sure we have a nice meal tonight!!