Instead of a resolution for the New Year I have chosen a word for the year. This means I have just one word to focus on for the year. This will be the word that I have in the forefront of my mind to remind of what I am aiming for throughout the year ahead. Over the years I have come up with so many resolutions but I really can't remember living up to any of my resolves for an entire year!! I also have a feeling that this applies to many others as well? So, what is my chosen word? I considered so many words before coming to my final decision. There are so many words that I could have chosen because they sound so idealistic and would create warm 'fuzzies': kindness, happy, sharing, compassionate, patient etc. Now, for the big reveal. My word. ACTION. Why have I chosen ACTION? Well, I have so many ideas and partially completed projects that I have decided now is the time to take action, to complete tasks already started, to put into actions thoughts and ideas that have floated around in my head for so long, time to stop pondering and procrastinating, time to act. I often think of some very wise words I read in a magazine and think these ten two letter words are very powerful and behind my decision: if it is to be, it is up to me. Doing it, gets it done!! Now is the time for doing, acting, putting into practise all those things that have been lying dormant and making some room for some more ideas to develop in preparation for some more action. Now is the time to move off the couch and get going. I look forward to being able to report back on my actions during the year. Writing this is in itself an action and a demonstration of my commitment to my word for the year!!
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Heather Sorensen
I am passionate about my role as a Celebrant and everything that is connected to that role. Archives
August 2016